Peste 100 de polițiști de frontieră au ieșit duminică în fața Punctului de Trecere Sculeni pentru a protesta împotriva tăierilor salariale, cauzate de Ordonanța Austerității. Sindicatul Europol anunță că protestele vor continua, cu un miting și mai mare programat pe 17 ianuarie.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that over 100 border police officers in Sculeni protested against recent salary cuts imposed by the government's austerity measures.
The protest, organized by the Europol union, highlights the negative impact of these cuts, which could result in a loss of up to 1000 lei per month for officers who don't receive weekend or holiday pay.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that over 100 border police officers in Sculeni protested against recent salary cuts imposed by the government's austerity measures. The protest, organized by the Europol union, highlights the negative impact of these cuts, which could result in a loss of up to 1000 lei per month for officers who don't receive weekend or holiday pay.